Friday, April 17, 2015

Batman v Superman Trailer Thoughts

Another day and another huge trailer goes online!

I think it is official. You cannot plan a theater event for a movie trailer, because it is going to leak and it is going to force your hand to release an actual good copy of the trailer.

Here is the trailer!

Just to start out, I am not a fan of Man of Steel. I could talk about why, but I think Honest Trailers does a good job of summing up my feelings. Here is a link to that video.

I am excited for a Ben Affleck Batman. He seems like a very good cast for this movie. Jeremy Irons will be a good Alfred as we can tell from the voice over. Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor I am on the fence about. I loved him in The Social Network, but that was a part he was just born to play. I am not a huge fan of the rest of the cast. Mainly because I was disappointed with Man of Steel and a lot of them are coming back.

This trailer is super dark. It looks like everything takes place at night. Everything is gloomy. I understand the idea of dark and gritty. That just gets heavy after a while, so I hope the whole movie is not like that.

There are a lot of shots from the trailer that remind me of The Dark Knight trilogy. Batman on top of the Skyscraper holding on to a pole looks like the exact shot of what we saw in Batman Begins except Affleck is looking away from the camera. The Dark Knight trilogy has a pretty unique Batmobile and now this Batmobile is extremely similar. More of a tank than a car. The whole Alfred telling Bryce something important message with Bryce staring at him with a serious face, this happened in every movie in The Dark Knight trilogy (this is pretty generic, classic Batman though too, so maybe we should give them a pass). A shot of the Batsuit looks sooo similar to Nolan's movie. It bothers me that they don't show off more in the trailer how this Batman is different. There is rumors about Robin. It has been said that Batman has been around for years. Show off that stuff in the trailer more than everything that is so similar to the Dark Knight trilogy's Batman. I did like the Alfred voice over and Ben's Batman voice.

The "Do you bleed?" line is an awesome line. It is a weird line for Batman to say to Superman. I know the title implies they will fight, but we all know there is going to be some other main villain that will unite them together aka dawn of justice. When Batman and Superman fight in The Dark Knight Returns comic, it is under circumstances that make sense for both characters. Those do not make sense based on Man of Steel at least for Superman. I hope that it makes sense why Batman would go into a fight saying that and wanting to fight Superman.

One thing I love when Marvel and DC movie trailers come out is fanboy fights in the comments section! First I think it is stupid judge them against each other. There is no reason to. Fanboys on each side are going to see both movie franchises. Second, DC has only had Man of Steel in their "cinematic universe" there is no way to tell what it will be like in the end. We had no idea what Marvel would be like after one Iron Man movie. Thirdly and very fanboy of me, I think the new Star Wars movies will blow both out of the water.

I came out of this trailer with my first thoughts of this movie reaffirmed: everything Batman related in this movie will be good... everything else will probably be Man of Steel quality. For some that is exactly what they want, it is just not what I want.

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